Smartphones And Mobiles
Detailed guide: Root Firmware (6.2.B.1.96) for Xperia S, SL, Mod, Optimizing All in 1 Post
BTW if someone needs a full FTF of this new firmware here it is: XperiaS_LT26i_6.2.B.1.96_1257-6919.ftf - 485.30 MB
- THIS IS ONLY FOR THE XPERIA S/SL (LT26i/ii) FW 6.2.B.1.96!
How-to Root?
Download the three files from the download section below
- Open FlashTool and flash the XperiaS_LT26i_6.2.B.0.211_KernelOnly.ftf - 6.36 MB file, this is JUST the kernel of an older firmware which was rootable
- Now once flashing is done reboot device and connect to PC in usb debuggin mode
- Extract the file to root directory on c:\
- Execute runme_ file corresponding to your OS on desktop PC, this will execute a SPECIAL version of my easy rooting toolkit <<< VVVIMP STEP
- The above step is crucial! if you use any older version of the toolkit then IT WILL NOT WORK!
- After rooting is over the device will restart
- You can verify if device is rooted by checking for SuperSU app (it is the newest version)
- Once thats done now power down device and open FlashTool again
- Now flash XperiaS_LT26i_6.2.B.1.96_KernelOnly.ftf - 6.33 MB file to get back to the true kernel for the firmware
- Thats it after flashing is done just disconnect and power on device and enjoy rooted phone!
Or more...Instructions for installing the root rom is available for Xperia S, SL through CMW
Source: XDA
(Guide) Root Firmware (6.2.B.1.96) for Xperia S / SL, Mod, Optimizing All in 1 Post |
CMW Installation Guide
This file 1. Download
Unzip & copy the C: \ drive
2 At & busybox installed
At CH - Play downloaded Busybox
USB & Installation Troubleshooting 3.Chon unidentified sources
2: In the unzipped folder run the CWM-install-en.bat
enter -> enter -> enter .... -> finish
Mobile Recovery Bariva Engine (BE)
Root Explorer installed on the machine and do the following:
Reboot and install Root Explorer program, then:
1. Copy file CredentialManagerService.apk to address the system> app and set permissions. Delete files CredentialManagerService.odex.
2. Copy the file in the file to address system> lib and set permissions. rw-r-r
3. Copy files to the local in chisystem file> lib> DRM and set permissions - rw-rr
The machines that do to relock this step is completed
But these machines do follow below Unlockbootloader
+ Turn off the flash and the stock kernel on the root of the plant including the stock kernel version 1.96
Flas kernel has finished relock it back ok I got you recover BE relock file
Widget & Home Honami V2 + 1.96 * Volume Advance
Who mod mod this one from the bottom Avance Volume dentist , because this integration is always something there.
Wipe cache , wipe cache delvik flash >
In setting > all > applications > Xperia screen wipe data then go enjoy the smooth and super fast and Honami 's new i1 teng okay : D
Download Link :
Ultra Home * ( New Hot )
Wipe cache , wipe cache delvik flash >
In setting > all > applications > screen went ok Xperia delete the data you done this mod to feel okay in this topic : D.
Download :
Note: each time rebooting did not load DC icon
Go to Settings - > Applications - > All - > xperia screen then force it to stop but do not delete the data rearrangement takes
Honami Framework Full Style
The clear hit 2 home button
Many complained about the style you hit the home button to koi app instead ran home button is kept as default trc or spend time . What kept you liked this mod , the home button .
Mod V2 after the Home Honami .
Wipe cache , cache devilk flash >
download :
Note: If you have lost during the mod back to the Reboot Option in dental fees .
The original default FW 1.96
Click the home button 2 times the app has run out .
Note: This release has add his android.policy file during mod should comfort you , take the xda file will be lost during reboot + option , so I 've integrated it into that already .
how do
Just like the above .
Enjoy .
download :
Ultra Widget Z * ( New Hot )
Its very nice Widget widget liked this koi flipping the nice effect too: D
Wipe cache , cache Devilk flash >
Enjoy .
Download :
Mod transparent Status Bar + version Docomo Stock
At CMW Wipe cache , flash cache devilk finished , the mod 75 % during
download :
Mod AC ! D AUDIO ENGINE player or extreme
NOTE : Be sure to back up the mod trc room . Really finished this mod yourself surprised about its sound quality , if you know Equalizer , this combined with Clear Audio + one + Walkman player also approved it : D.
flash through CWM wipe cache >
Download : ( Copy this link to Address New DC down , or add links to IDM if acc and add IDM )
Fix lost BE
Matte Root Explorer navigate to the folder to find file system > buid.prop im holding out on the > file picker Open in Text Editor for ro.service > line . swiqi2.suppor ted = true it will add the # in # ro.service out like this . ted swiqi2.suppor save ok = true reboot .
Mod Wakman + Album + Video
Interface entirely new walkman player better than the old version , the new album see the effects .... The new Video . As I see it the Walkman Mod combined with the AC ! D Audio Engine below to hear more substance than the old Walkman .
Note: For your album was faulty because it did not stop one of the machines compatible with Album fix file down the bottom of the normal settings , clear cache after installation is complete reboot Album went okay dt is ok .
This mod mod I have deleted files Service.jar comfortable with this room , what you do is download sources outside the deleted files go offline service.jar bootloop right stick is not there .
How to Make :
At CMW Wipe cache > Devilc Flash cache .
Download :
Fix Album >
Honami Phonebook V2
This mod is very nice on , very convenient search directory
Wipe cache , cache devlik flash >
NOTE: Open the System Explorer > Open build.prop in text editor
Add 2 lines to the build.prop file
dalvik.vm.verify - bytecode = false
dalvik.vm.dexopt - flags = v = n , o = v , m = y
Done restart ok .
The color white .
download :
The black
download :
Volume Wake 1.96
Unlock by pressing volume button replaced with a convenient source
How do , wipe cache , flash >
Note: This copy is for 1.96 and only in this room because it involves so your mod file andoird.policy in this topic will not be an episode of this mod takes the other .
Download : ( Copy paste link into new Address down DC )
Reboot Option ( Add button on the power button to boot )
Add reset button to the power button is very convenient okay , do not have to hold down the power button to take the
how do
wipe cache , flash devilk cache >
finished .
Download :
1.96 Volume Advance
Just press one button that will drop the volume all the other speaker volume buttons , Bluetooth , alarm tone ..... very Best
How to flash through CMW wipe cache >
Mod Android OS speed reduced lag off internet advertising and significantly accelerate this combined with the smoother Widget & Home Honami IOS 'm not off the table to smooth its rivals bring : D
download :
The install ( Flash via CWM )
The Uninstall ( not like it, delete it by flash via CWM )
Read more..Detailed Guide FlashTool (Flash stock rom file. FTF) Fastboot simple
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All Official Firmware And Download File File For Xperia Z Ultra
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Smartphones And Mobiles